Overview on PRP for Hair loss

Platelet Rich Plasma, or also known as “PRP” is an injection treatment whereby a person’s own blood is used. A fraction of blood (55cc) is drawn up from the individual patient into a syringe. This is a relatively small amount compared to blood donation which removes 500cc. The blood is spun down in a special centrifuge (according to standard Harvest Techniques) to separate its components (Red Blood Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma.) The platelet rich plasma is first separated then activated to allow the release of growth factors from the platelets which in turn amplifies the healing process. PRP is then injected into the area to be treated. The protein-rich concentration stimulates follicular hair growth.

You will likely experience mild to moderate swelling of the treated area, this will last about 12-24 hours; ice or cold compresses can be applied to reduce swelling if required. You may notice a tingling sensation while the cells are being activated. The full procedure takes approximately 45 minutes – 1hr. 

Benefits of PRP – Hair: Platelets are very small cells in your blood that are involved in the clotting process. When PRP is injected into the damaged area it causes a mild inflammation that triggers the healing cascade. As the platelets organize in the clot they release a number of enzymes to promote healing and tissue responses including attracting stem cells to repair the damaged area. PRP is rich with essential nutrients and growth factors that are believed to help stimulate new follicular hair regrowth when used in conjunction with other treatment options and prescription home care. Hair promoting effects of PRP are supported by studies showing a faster transition to growing (anagen) phase of hair cycling back from the resting and transition phases.

Results: Results are generally visible at 8-12 weeks and continue to improve gradually over the next 3-6 months. It is important to continue all additional home care instructions recommended by your doctor for the best results (vitamins, low level laser light cap, any topical treatment). Generally, 2-3 treatments are advised, spaced 4 weeks apart; however, more may be indicated for some individuals. Touch up treatments may be done after the initial group of treatments to boost and maintain the results. 

Patients with these conditions are not candidates for PRP:

  1. Current infections.
  2. Skin disease such as lupus or porphyria.
  3. Current Cancer.
  4. Current chemotherapy treatments.
  5. Chronic liver pathology.
  6. Severe metabolic or systemic disorders.
  7. Liver disease.
  8. Abnormal platelet function (blood disorders.)
  9. Anticoagulation therapy.
  10. Current use of corticosteroids.
  11. Steroid injections in my scalp in the last month.
  12.  Pregnant or breastfeeding.

Managing stress and diet along with using one or combination of hair growth treatments will help maintain and grow the most beautiful land healthiest hair possible.

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  • (703) 790-5850

  • info@mcleandermatology.com

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